Gratitude for Our Challenges to Our Calling

A key in allowing our calling to manifest is in how we perceive and go with our challenges.

**“Be grateful for your difficulties and challenges, for they hold blessings. In fact, man needs difficulties; they are necessary for health, personal growth,  individuation and self-actualisation.”**CARL JUNG

We’re going to play with a surfing analogy.

Life is going to continue to send us waves. And we can either see that these moments are free energy to be used – that they are for us in moving forward...or we can see that they’re against us and here to take us down.

Despite our best intentions sometimes to ride and use the current wave (a challenging situation) for greater joy and movement forward...sometimes we wipe out. We get taken down. And it sucks and hurts. And… other times… we are able to take the wave (the challenging situation) and really turn it into our true benefit and movement forward.

Here are 2 simple examples from my own life – one inner and one outer.

I had panic attacks when I was first building my business. I turned those waves into loving, compassion and healing for the parts within me that didn’t believe I was worthy of money and success.

  1. I chose to move with the wave: the panic attack. I chose to focus on gratefulness and thankfulness for the wave.
  2. I was curious as to what the panic attack had for me – how was it here FOR me?
  3. And I used my Love, or inner spiritual awareness to guide me in transforming any human limitations into greater spiritual gifts.

Another example, I had a string of ‘NOs’ from clients in the third year of my business. I allowed those NOs to my 1-on-1 coaching to inspire and open me up to doing small group coaching. And out of that experience I created the Sacred7 group coaching.

  1. I chose to move with the wave: the NOs. I chose to focus on gratefulness and thankfulness for the wave.
  2. I was curious as to what the NOs had for me – how were they here FOR me?
  3. And I used my intuition, meditation, and inner guidance to transform the observation of NOs to 1-on-1 coaching, into an opportunity for group coaching.

Leaning In to Hear the Wisdom in Our Challenges

Can we begin to move with the wave: the challenge? Can we lean in when we’re challenged, rather than pull off the wave? Can we open to being grateful for the challenge?

As we lean in and continue to feel, allow and embrace the heart of our challenge, we are more likely to awaken to the wisdom, the learning, and the lesson that’s there for us.

Using All Challenge as a Reminder to Let Go and Ask for the Highest Good