This guided meditation will walk you through the Allowing.Love™ 5 Steps.


<aside> 🏵️ You will need:

<aside> ✨ First, Ask and Awaken to Love & Light:

Take some time to connect to your heart, your Loving. And consciously ask for the support of the Light / Source / Spirit and ask for the Highest Good of all concerned.


Your Calling

In this meditation we refer to being called by Spirit, by your heart, by Your Calling.

In Allowing.Love we use the word Calling in a different way than perhaps you're familiar with. Rather than 'Your Calling' being purely a vocation: a calling to be a singer, a calling to be a healer... we focus more on the inner experiences that we are being called into, and we focus more on the practice of 'Being Called'

This meditation is a wonderful way to begin to enjoy, allow and receive Your Callings. Yes plural. Of course we have many callings in life! We will be called to receive, to experience and to share SO MUCH!

So relax, and allow yourself to enjoy and relax into being called...




After you've listened to the meditation, it might be powerful to reflect on, and allow your heartfelt answers to these questions.

  1. What are you being called to receive in life at this time?
  2. What are you being called to experience?
  3. What are you being called to share?
  4. What are the inner experiences of frequencies of your calling?
  5. How might your life be different, if you lived these frequencies more fully?
  6. Allow any intentions for your life or clear next steps to come to you.