From Suffering to Spiritual Gifts

It’s easy to view the adverse challenges in our life as ‘problems’ or as inherently negative, a waste of time, or against us in some fundamental way. Releasing these inaccurate perceptions of these moments in your life will serve to release any judgments and patterns holding you back from receiving and living in the truth of your Spiritual Gifts.

In order to do this we need to let go of seeing this life through the lens of the human being, and we lift into the altitude of our Soul. From this viewpoint we see all experiences in this life as opportunities for learning: opportunities for greater Loving.

While we're seeing our life as against us... we're not in flow and cooperation with the Source of life. Every single experience in our life has been given as an invitation for us to lift into our Spiritual gifts.  And therefore even the most challenging situations cannot be against us, in fact they may hold the keys to our greatest gifts.

I love how Byron Katie says this…What happened was the best thing that could happen.

As soon as we move from the lens of our human being, into the Soul, we are instantly able to move from an experience of challenge to one of expansion, creativity, freedom and power: our Own Inner Spiritual Power.

But how do we go from feeling and experiencing moments of adversity, heart-ache and suffering… to experiencing them as ‘the best thing that could happen’.

This is where a lot of spiritual bypass often comes in. When spiritually we begin to really trust the truth of this experience – that it IS all FOR us – we stop feeling the suffering and move into a mental thought form that it’s ok, it’s perfect, it’s for me.

For many moments of our life – this form of spiritual bypass can be on point and so incredibly helpful. But for other moments – it can delay an experience of deep healing and a deeper receiving of your human gifts in this life.

The 4 Steps from Suffering to Expansion and Love

I’m going to share about the technology that I use to transform those deep misbeliefs of suffering and againstness – into Love and Spirit. The heart of this process is in these 4 steps.

  1. Allowing yourself to FEEL the suffering, pain, upset of your life

  2. Becoming Aware of the Coping Pattern

  3. Finding the Pure Loving Purpose of the Coping Pattern

  4. Upgrading the Contracting Coping Pattern into a Pattern of Expansion

In my experience, once we choose to receive our suffering fully, this process can support us with clearing and healing our past. The result is often a deep and profound love for all, compassion and even gratitude for the difficult experiences in our lives.

I’m going to use an experience I had with a client recently to illustrate each step. Of course she will remain anonymous.

1. Allowing yourself to FEEL the suffering, pain, upset of your life.

My client, who we’ll call Jane, had done a lot of work around her very painful and abusive childhood, and consistently told me she was complete with that experience. That she had healed the painful relationship with her Mother. She did however also say that whenever she would see a photo of her Mom at a relative’s house, her skin would crawl and she would want to scream.

So when my client shared with me about her complete void of feeling for her parents: it indicated to me that perhaps she was disconnected to feeling the situation, rather than having completed the situation. Particularly because she also expressed great frustration at them also in other moments.

If our adversity happened some time ago, there’s a good chance that you have developed a good ability to disconnect from feeling it, and related ways to cope: a coping pattern or coping mechanism. And this pattern will most likely be in use in various areas of your life.

What might be more apparent is anger or frustration, rather than sadness or suffering.

But emotionally, I encourage you to consider what I experience to be true: “Where there is anger, there is always pain underneath.”   ECKHART TOLLE