Clearing Check-In

My Transformation [Check-in Qs]

Check-in Weekly, Monthly, or As You Need.

<aside> 🔬 As you continue to allow, embrace and love your emotions, AND begin to give yourself what YOU need, you will be able to see your challenges much more clearly, and begin to see them transforming and dissolving. Using this check-in over time will help you identify your patterns.



Read 4 Modules

<aside> 📚 Read these modules to gain an understanding for how our emotions work and how our sacred muscles of Self-Love, Compassion and Forgiveness are designed to clear negative emotion and transform the e-motion into energy-for-motion (moving) on our life and our callings.



Experience Feeling for Healingâ„¢ 4 Steps

<aside> 🔬 Learning how to clear your challenges and release negative emotion is of course best down When You’re Challenged.

So you can either come here the next time you don’t feel great inside.

Or you can use the following techniques for any recent upset or emotional challenge.

