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Being Kind Can Be Hard Work Sometimes

Whether it's being kind to others, the planet or ourselves, it can be really hard sometimes. When we haven't always been given the support and kindness we've needed at times, we find that sometimes we react before we can stop ourselves.

But Martin Luther King reminds us that it's only Love that helps us overcome any kind of negativity.

We can't change ourselves with punishment and pressure. But we can move mountains and overcome anything in our way with kindness and compassion.

Our Relationships with Other People Can Help us Find Our Blind Spots

We have all been designed so differently, so that we might learn to have compassion for all of life.

Maybe you’re an A type, and so people that move slowly, or carelessly, drive you wild.

Maybe you’re Super Creative, so the very rational, literal folks are harder for you to connect with.

No matter what triggers you, from a little to a LOT, is a huge opportunity and teacher for you.

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We Would Have a Much More Peaceful Earth If…

We each learned to take responsibility for own upset feelings.

Compassion is the only way forward for this human race, and this planet.

Without us learning to let go of the problems and mistakes of others, SO THAT we don’t continue to recycle past hurts and trauma, we will never find peace within, or in the world.

But Paradoxically Having Compassion for the World, Starts with Kindness for Yourself

We can’t have compassion for another, without experiencing the kind of kindness and loving support we need within ourselves.

It might seem counter-intuitive, but the way forward to experience greater harmony, connection and joy in friendships, is to release the ways you judge, criticize and be cruel to yourself.

As we stop crucifying ourselves for our mistakes and mess, we naturally extend that unconditional love and forgiveness to everyone else.