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Today is Step 2 -- Let Love In.

Let Love In, Is About Letting that Energy

Let Love In is about letting that energy, that love, that inner experience of what you want -- into your being, into your experience here and now -- as deeply and as richly as you can.

While spiritual traditions, authors and poets have encouraged us to be the change that we want, Science is now proving, that the inner experience, the emotions -- and the images that we hold inside -- powerfully affect how the Universe will create the world around us to support us in what we hold inside.

Scientist, Doctor, and Quantum Field Researcher Dr. Joe Dispenza shares:

Where we put our awareness, and for how long, maps our destiny.

He also shares that:

Understand that there is a field of consciousness that responds to who you are. Not only to what you think, but to your whole vibration, your whole consciousness. That intelligence listens to you very carefully, it creates things that match exactly how you feel.

When we really embrace, how powerful spending time activating the inner experience of our dreams -- the emotions, and the images -- of our dream -- miracles happen. Our universe starts to materialize our dream -- such that our job is simply, to allow it. To continue to pay attention, so that we can keep cooperating, and allowing it into being.

So Step 2 Is About Spending Time

So Step 2 is spending time in the imagination, the emotions, the vibration, the inner experience of our dream. And I’m going to walk you through exactly how to most effectively activate this step in your life, but first, we’re going to start with Step 1 -- asking and awakening.

Feel free to close your eyes   [Step 1 - Ask and Awaken]

Feel free to close your eyes. And get relaxed.

Inwardly or outwardly ask:

I ask for the Light to fill, surround and protect me for my highest good.

So with a deep breathe in, seeing your head filled with bright white Light,

And then breathing out, seeing this Light fill the rest of your entire body as you breathe out all of the air in your lungs.

And again deep breath in, seeing your head filled with this beautiful Light,

And breathing out really feeling and experiencing that new fresh Light and energy filling your whole body.