Hellooooo! Welcome back.

Today is Step 3 -- Lining up with Love.

This is a very simple step:

Of receiving one action for today, that supports, grows and expands you towards your dream.

Spiritual teacher and author John-Roger has said:

‘Spirit meets us at the point of our action’.

Caroline Myss, Medical intuitive and author has also shared: ‘You cannot change anything in your life with intention alone … Intention without action is useless.’

So this step is about receiving one action for today, from within, from our intuition, from our highest self.

This is NOT an action of thinking, of analyzing, of strategizing.

It IS an action of again receiving and of observing.

It is an action of using your highest self within to give you your action.

And our focus for this step is small:

Incremental, gradual, microscopic action.

Small, incremental steps each day use the approach of Dr. John-Roger’s Spiritual Science of microscopic steps, and the profoundly popular Japanese methodology of Kaizen -- of continual improvement -- of small easy steps every day.

What is also important to keep in mind -- that this step is not actually about the specific action that we take -- it’s about putting your energy, your life force, your Light towards your dream, so that Spirit can meet you at that point of action and create grace, miracles and manifest your dream for you.

If the actions that you receive from your Highest Self don’t seem to logically relate or seem to contribute to your dream practically -- have the trust to let logic and reason go -- and embrace your inner knowing -- embrace your intuition.

For example, in my own journey of allowing love, intimacy and marriage into my life, and also helping many clients expand into marriage -- the next actions we received were not ‘register with match.com’, or ‘go to this bar’.

Rather they were often actions of greater intimacy, connection and loving -- with everyone -- with all of life -- not just romantically -- or towards dating.

I remember one of my clients received the next step to make authentic eye contact with at least one person that day. That one action, changed her life forever. The Light used that one action, to give her an experience I can’t even make sense of, but her ability to connect, and be intimate with others following that one small step, was miraculously expanded.

So again, tell your mind to relax.