More Music for Mental Health 🕺🏽

Put your dancing shoes on for more fun and freedom

Today is all about letting go and letting Love lead.

But first, here’s 4 facts that will help get your Head on board:

  1. Dancing can improve your self-esteem
  2. Dancing can improve your mood and attitude
  3. Dancing has been shown to prevent Dementia [1]

And research has also shown that it can actually make depression and anxiety less intense. A study done in 2019 found that college students who listened to classical music every day for two months lowered their levels of anxiety significantly. [2]

And we have a lot of scientific research that suggests that listening to upbeat music with an intention of getting in a better mood actually works. [3]

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1 minute for More Energy Today!

<aside> 🫀 What’s One Song that just makes your heart explode and your whole body move?! Play That Song TODAY!


I’m Still Prancing, After All This Time

Can you say the same? Can you say you’re still dancing?!

Well no matter where you’re at, we’re going to use dance today to find our Love and our Momentum for Life!

<aside> 🤔 Think about when you loved dancing the most?! What did you love about it?!


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Here’s How to Live, Says Elton John

Live for each second without hesitation, says Elton John.