This program is going to support you in more consciously awakening to the unique way that Spirit is calling you more fully into life, Love, success, abundance and more.
There are so many ways that we can do this. And dialoguing with Spirit is one of them.
Consistently dialoguing with Spirit to clarify what experiences are for our highest good to receive, to experience and to MOVE on…is so helpful.
Often it’s the big moments in life that ask us to slow down and ask the big questions, like…
What do I want? Why am I here?
What lights me up?! How do I want to spend my time and my life?!
Over the next couple of weeks we’ll be focused on continuing to chat with Spirit, allowing ourselves to receive Spirit’s callings to us: using our intuition to clarify our calling. And also beginning to lean into action, to further clarify our calling.
But not as a project…more as an ongoing adventure that will continue into the rest of our life.
In this program we’re going to be exploring and experimenting with habits and a way of life, that will serve you well beyond 4 months of your life. And you might be aware of wanting to achieve, or complete something within these 4 months… and while that will be possible… the greater opportunity here is in truly tweaking and shifting how we live our days… so that we are living in greater alignment and expansion with our Authentic Self: with Spirit.
We’ll be developing our skills of dialoguing with Spirit by accessing our own unique voice of intuition throughout this program.
What’s important to keep in mind as we seek to receive our intuition and clear calling from Spirit within – is that living an intuitive, Spirit-led life is much more practically achieved when we focus on a consistent casual and intimate chat, rather than one pure transmission for the next 10 years of our life.
I really want to slow down and emphasize the importance of this. I see it too frequently, that someone went to a tarot reader or a psychic once and got a piece of information that they’re now basing their whole life around. Or someone got a clear intuition from inside of themselves 5 years ago – and they’re still attached only to that.
Spirit is active, alive, always moving and changing.
So that’s why there is great value in chatting with Spirit every day… receiving our direction and next steps each and every day.
And asking Spirit what’s for our highest good every day. It’s the consistency that we begin to experience that becomes so powerful.
And of course it’s the practice that increases our ability to receive clear information.
It’s important to really understand that we’re here to be continually led and called by Spirit too, so that we can release any pressure or perfection that might want to freak our ego out right now!