You have such a profound opportunity to create the kind of Sacred Morning Practice that will truly help you LOVE your life.

This experience will help you allow a morning practice to come to you, through your heart, not your head.

Purpose of This Experience:

To allow our Heart / Soul / Source to support us in creating the best Sacred Morning Practice for each of us individually.

To receive clear information from our Heart / Soul / Source, through the healing of blocks and the clearing of new, creative energy.

To receive greater spiritual support and guidance for our life and calling.

<aside> 📙

You will need:

<aside> 🕶️ Suggested, Before Diving In:

<aside> ☀️ First, Ask and Awaken to Love & Light: I also encourage everyone, to first, slow…down. Take some time to connect to your heart, your Loving. And consciously ask for the support of the Light / Source / Spirit and ask for the Highest Good of all concerned as you relax and enjoy the following questions.


1. What’s your calling?

[Not sure what a calling is… Receiving & Clarifying Your Calling]

What is the number one experience that the Spirit is calling you to receive? Take some time to listen within, to truly receive what experience the Spirit is calling yo to have in your life at this time. You might call forward a being of Light to help connect you to this information. You might choose to allow it to flow through a pen.

2. How are you being called to receive?

How is Spirit calling you to receive the experience of this calling? What specific in the world experiences are you being called to receive? These could be experiences you’re already having, or experiences you may be about to have. Allow yourself to take time, and just heartstorm [heartstorming 🫀 its similar to brainstorming 🧠 , but rather than thinking in your head, allow these inspirations to just pop in through a focus of loving, through your heart] all of the possible ways that you are being called to experience your calling.

3. Allow one experience to clarify.

Allow one of the experiences from above, to clarify in this moment.

Allow the one most powerful and present experiences for you to become clear to you right now.

4. Experience your calling now.

Allow yourself to inwardly experience this as if it were completely realized and present right now.

You can use your divine imagination to see yourself fully experiencing your calling right now. In the world. And in completely alignment the Love, the Spirit that you are.

Inwardly experience and FEEL this as fully as you can for the next 17 seconds or more.