Go back to The 5-Steps for Spiritual Manifestation [overview]

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Anchor Your Commitment & Support

<aside> 🌴 Grab your journal now, and answer these questions to anchor as much value as you can from this course.


  1. How can you create a safe, sacred space for you to spend this time with yourself and Spirit?
  2. Is there a friend or loved one you want to do this program with? Remember more support, means a greater chance you'll follow through and complete!
  3. Are there any reminders, alarms or notes you want to create, to help you follow through?!

Need Help?

<aside> 🌴 Email our Amazing Tech Angel Bernadette Here


Audio Transcript for Commitment & Support

<aside> 🌴 Prefer to Read the Course?

Commitment & Support Transcript


Ready for the Next?

Step 1. Asking & Awakening