A first simple step we can take in allowing what we want more of in our lives, is to simply focus on it. And that sounds elementary. But we’re going to dive into the neuroscience that explains and hopefully empowers us to more fully focus on that that we want, and specifically, to use the role that emotion plays in this process.
The relatively recent field of Neuroplasticity refers to the brain’s ability to form new connections and pathways and change how its circuits are wired (Fuchs & Flügge, 2014). The discovery of the Reticular Activating System, specifically the importance that emotion plays in how our brain works best, gives us encouragement for not only mentally focusing on what we want, but more importantly: feeling what we want.
Because of the vast amounts of ‘data’ our brains need to process in any given moment, we have a Reticular Activating System (RAS) that supports us with filtering only specific information, and not every single bit of data in every moment.
For example right now, think about all the memories, experiences, thoughts, feelings that are possible. Now add all the data that comes in through sight, through hearing, through smell and taste. Just through sight alone, there may be hundreds of particular bits of data you could choose to focus on.
So that we don’t short circuit, we have a filtering system: called the Reticular Activating System, that supports us in taking in only specific information.
In simplified terms, the RAS takes what we focus on and creates a filter for it – meaning that what we focus on, is allowed through this filter into our conscious awareness. While things we’re not focusing on – don’t.
For example if you’ve recently been focused on growing roses, you walk into a room with many, many things, you automatically notice the roses. Not because you consciously gave equal amounts of attention and brain power to every single thing in the room and then consciously chose to focus on the roses. But because your RAS is unconsciously filtering through roses right now – so the RAS automatically, and without effort, brings your attention to the roses.
In a similar way the RAS filters through information that validates your beliefs. If you believe that you’re a terrible dancer, you will interpret the information in each moment through that lens or filter. For example someone might genuinely say: “I love the way you dance!” But you hear it sarcastically – interpreting what they said to mean you’re a terrible dancer.
This area of research is still in its infancy so in many ways it’s unclear exactly how the RAS works specifically. But what does seem clear at this point is that focusing on what you want – with a clear intention AND positive emotion – supports your brain in filtering in the people, information and opportunities that will help you best allow the outcomes you want.
Simply focusing on what we want with positive emotion, supports our brain in paying attention to the information and experiences in our world that support it.
This is why I start every day with at least one thing that I want: and I feel it as if it were real.
I have termed this emotionalization™ because, while visualization is a powerful springboard or starting point for this experience, we now know through recent research that it’s the deeply felt feelings or emotions that support us in creating the new neural pathways that help us naturally focus on the information and experiences in our life that will SUPPORT us in allowing what we want into our life. Rather than unconsciously focusing on what will BLOCK us.
Wouldn’t it be lovely if you effortlessly paid more attention to the signs and synchronicities that are supporting you receiving what you want? Instead of focusing on what’s not working, you naturally focus fully on what IS WORKING, MOVING and FLOWING?
Priming our own pump every morning, with the positive emotion, with the experience that we want in this life is so important and powerful, because it strengthens those neural pathways that unconsciously lead us to feel, think and act in accordance with those outcomes.
And of course the sages through the ages have been telling us this.
Here’s what the Buddha said about it…
This experience is for our lower levels. It’s for our ego/individualization so that we can align it with the higher vibration of our Soul – and in doing this we have to relate to the ego on our ego’s level. So allow yourself to be aware of something that you want physically – something that your lower levels want.
I do believe that it’s true that when we are clear – spiritually aligned – in those moments we don’t have wants. I love how Bryon Katie says it: “When I am perfectly clear, ‘what is’ is what I want.”
And, I haven’t met a human being yet, that lives in this perfectly clear place all the time–24/7. And so in order to serve our ego: our lower levels and to align and elevate them with our higher spiritual vibration – take some time every day to be aware of what you really want – here physically on this earth – and then let yourself feel it.