It's Time to Learn How to Let Go Try a simple technique for clearing your monkey mind and heavy heart

Feel Like a Pressure Cooker…sometimes?

Yep. Me too.

This life can be so stressful. It’s so important we learn how to relax, release and let it all go.

Today we’re going to learn how to clear our monkey mind with free writing.

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Writing is Clearing, Says Science

A recent study from the Journal of Clinical Psychology has reported that individuals who write about their emotions experience greater psychological and physical well-being compared to those who kept their emotions to themselves. [1]

So today we’re going to use a well-known and loved practice from Julia Cameron called Morning Pages, as a powerful technique for accessing greater freedom, authentic expression and happiness. [2]

Dive into the 1-minute Guide 👇

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A Sacred Self-Clarity Workout

Clearing Mind Clutter with Free Writing

  1. The next time you feel like you want a lobotomy, don’t do it. Grab a pen and paper and this guide instead. You can use a notebook or loose paper. But you will be destroying pages so don’t use a book you can’t rip the pages from.
  2. Write three pages of whatever comes to your mind. Don't worry about grammar, punctuation, or making sense. Just let your thoughts flow freely.
  3. Keep writing until you've filled three pages. If you get stuck, just keep writing "I don't know what to write" until something else comes to mind. Just keep writing. Keep that pen moving.
  4. Once you've finished, tear up, shred or burn those pages.