Welcome back everyone.

Today is Step 5 - With heart wide open.

You May Have Noticed That Until This Point:

You may have noticed that until this point we have focused on receiving.

Receiving light into our body.

Receiving clarity and engagement for our dreams.

Receiving next actions, and forgiveness.

Now, With Step 5 We are Focusing on Giving

This step is consciously activating an experience of our hearts being open and allowing love to expand out from our heart center.  In this step we learn to develop those muscles for activating this heart expansion whenever we choose to.

While this sounds woo-woo right, this is no longer just a warm fuzzy esoteric notion.

Scientific research conducted by the HeartMath Institute has begun mapping what happens when we are present with great kindness, compassion and service, and have begun to show the power of these heart expanding experiences, with positive effects on our physical, emotional and mental health.

Recent studies have proven that heart-focused positive feelings of compassion and gratitude can boost the immune system significantly. While negative emotions can suppress the immune response for up to 6 hours.

Just Now, Think of Any Great, SuperHuman Act of Service

It could be those firemen that ran into the crumbling twin towers, to save lives, and risking their own.

It could be Mother Theresa, and the profound kindness and loving that she shares.

Or it could be the love and service you have in your own heart: when you think of your own child, your spouse, your pet, your parent … how much love and gratitude that you have for them.

Hopefully Just Now, You are Aware of a Warm Expansive Energy

Hopefully just now, you are aware of a warm, expansive energy at the heart center.

And like any muscle that we haven’t used or trained very much, it takes practice to develop our ability and strength.

For those of you that meditate, you might find this easier.