You are here for a reason. For many beautiful reasons. You are being called into More Love & Joy, by being called into particular experiences. Learn how to clarify Your Callings in your life, and how to show up for them with courage and compassion.

<aside> ⛵ First, Read 4 Modules 👉🏼 Experience the 5-Steps 👉🏼 ’Living Your Calling’ Check-ins


Read 4 Modules

Read these modules to gain an understanding for how to relate to your Desires, Dreams and Callings in life. They will also show you how to grow in clarity, courage and consistent action. And how to make a life doing what you love.


Experience the 5-Steps

I like to awaken to my calling every day.

Many of my clients find it works best for them to do it weekly.

And yet other clients do it whenever they can find time – AND it still works wonders for them.

The following techniques are designed to be done sequentially. The first experience Receiving a Sacred Morning Practice for Living Your Calling gives you a taste of the 5-Step process in a way that works for your morning practice. And the following techniques then walk you through the 5-Steps of Spiritual Manifestation.


‘Living Your Calling’ Check-ins ♽

As you continue to allow, embrace and love your emotions, AND begin to give yourself what YOU need, you will be able to see your challenges much more clearly, and begin to see them transforming and dissolving.

Use these questions to track your transformation, Weekly or Monthly.

Living Your Calling [Check-in Questions]