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Along this Love YourSelf…Love Your Life Adventure, consider this the road map 👇

First, Grow Your Sacred Muscles… 💪

Today, spend 7 minutes growing your sacred muscles.

<aside> 💪🏼 Growing Your Sacred Muscles

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Knowing where you’re going isn’t as important as you think it is. Yep your mind and ego wants to know where you’re going and what you’re doing with your life because it feels safer and more comfortable when it feels in control, but spiritually you ARE on track. You ARE where you are supposed to be.

The most important thing we can ever do – is to simply keep growing our Sacred Muscles. Because when we have developed natural habits to live from our Self-Belief, our Self-Compassion, our Self-Courage… we continue to transform each moment in our life for the better.


Next, Allow Yourself to be Called… ⛵️

Every week or so, get above your life and spend some time considering where and what your heart and Soul is calling you into.

<aside> ⛵ Your Sacred Callings

When You’re Called – allow the wind to move you. When you become clear you WANT to receive, to give, to share an experience in this life – show up for it. Create the life you love.

Read more about the foundations for Living Your Sacred Callings: Receiving & Clarifying Your Calling Showing Up For Your Calling Claiming Your Gifts & Sharing Your Work Abounding Gratitude: Appreciating & Celebrating

Then Dive into a Weekly Practice: ‣


And Then… When the 💩 Hits the Fan…

When you’re challenged, use those moments to clear your unresolved wounds and repressed emotions. In doing so you’ll be rewiring your limiting beliefs and trauma.

<aside> 🦋 Transforming Your Challenges

This is a radical transformation, and it is one we will continue to grow into for the rest of our lives, and one that will continue to transform Every Inch of Our Lives.

We are all conditioned to avoid, deny and numb from our emotional challenges. We are taught ‘don’t cry’, ‘toughen up’, and ‘be positive’. But in doing so we avoid our greatest moments for transformation and growth.

Learning how to make space, and time, and deep loving compassion for ourselves will transform every negative pattern, behavior and belief in your life.

Read more about the foundations for Transforming Your Challenges Feelings As A Gateway To Healing The Healing Bridge of Loving Compassionate Self-Forgiveness Expanding the Healing Alchemy: Empathy, Ho’oponopono & Enoughness

Then Dive into a Consistent Practice: ‣


Learn More About the Allowing.Love™ Coaching Method 🧬

<aside> 🧭 About Allowing.Love™ Coaching

